EJBUtils User Manual


Version: 1.2beta
$Id: $

Table of Contents


Well, as Scott Ambler writes in his article "Enterprise-Ready Object IDs" , however you want to have it, most of us who are developing in the EJB world use relational databases to store objects. And where as relational databases need keys, objects don't.

Here is a proposal for an Enterprise-ready, Simple, Performant, Scalable, Plateform-independant EJB Primary Key Generator.

The Why and the How (does it work).

This is explained in this article

Getting EJBUtils

The latest stable version of EJBUtils binary and source editions can be downloaded from SourceForge at http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=13840.

The binary edition contains a trimmed down version of the orginal build file that will help you creating the table, creating the client jar file and deploy EJBUtils.

It also contains the source code, but for reference only. If you wish to build EJBUtils, download the source edition.

See the section Building EJBUtils on how to build EJBUtils from the source code.

System Requirements

To build and use EJBUtils, you must have successfully installed Ant version 1.3 or above and set the ANT_HOME environment variable as explained in the Ant doc. You can download Ant on the Apache website at http://jakarta.apache.org/ant/index.html.

Deployement of EJBUtils is also supported for JBoss 2.1 and above. If you whish to be able to deploy, you will have to download JBoss at www.jboss.org

The JDK used for developement was JDK 1.2 or later.

Deploying EJBUtils

Deploying on JBoss

Step 1: Setting properties for the build and choose the unique identifier for EJBUtils

Make a copy of the default_build.properties and rename it build.properties. Follow the instructions commented in the file including changing uniqueid properite. (for more information on the role of the uniqueid, read the article and search for "unique identifier")

Step 2: Creating the database tables

You need to type the following command

ant create-table

Note: if some properties that need to be set are not, a message will appear. Just follow the instructions.
Also if you need to remove the table you can use the following command:

ant remove-table

Step 3: Choose a datasource for EJBUtils

EJBUtils uses by default the Hypersonic datasource blundled with JBoss. This is only for the purpose of the example: Hypersonic does not support "For Update" SQL statement (or for the matter transaction isolation levels), and therefore is unfit for the UID generator.

You need a database that supports "For Update" and you need to create a datasource accessing it in JBoss (please see JBoss doc).

Set your newly created datasource in the src/etc/DeployEJB/META-INF/jboss.xml file for use by EJBUtils. (replace DefaultDS in the example below).

    <resource-manager res-class="org.jboss.ejb.deployment.JDBCResource">


Note: If you wish, you could still use Hypersonic for trial purposes but THE UID GENERATOR WOULD BE UNFIT FOR PRODUCTION as it will not guaranty that the HIGH value obtained through the database call is unique. This involves some code change and you will need the source distribution of EJBUtils. For more information see this section of the HowTo guide.

Step 4: Deploy EJBUtils

You need to type the following command

ant deploy

Note: if some properties that need to be set are not, a message will appear. Just follow the instructions.

Deploying on other EJB 1.1 compliant servers

Follow the Step 1 and Step 2 of the Deploying on JBoss section. Then you will have to package and deploy EJBUtils using the server's own deployment tool. Note that the original ejb-jar is lib/ejbutils-deploy.jar

Testing EJBUtils

Note: EJBUtils has to be deployed before you can run any tests against it. For more information see the section Deploying EJBUtils

EJBUtils comes with 2 tests:

See the section Deploying EJBUtils on how to deploy EJBUtils.

Building EJBUtils

To build EJBUtils, you should install the EJBUtils source distribution. While the binary distribution includes the EJBUtils source code, it is intended for reference purposes only. Only a trimmed down version of the build script used to build EJBUtils is not included in the binary distribution.

Once you have installed the source distribution, go to the ejbutils-x.x directory (replace x.x with the version of EJBUtils).

To build EJBUtils, use:

ant distribution

to create a binary distribution of EJBUtils. This distribution can be found in the distribution directory.

If you wish only to build EJBUtils or create the jar files, you can use respectively:

ant build

ant jars

See the section Deploying EJBUtils on how to deploy EJBUtils.

See the section Using EJBUtils on how to use EJBUtils.

Using EJBUtils

After you have deployed EJBUtils, you can write code to use it and include the libraries to you deployed code.

Writing your code to include EJBUtils

Your primary key has to be a String. If you use a database as Datastore, use a CHAR(55) to store the primary key field. It should be enough for the vast majority of cases. In the example below, we use String as a simple primary key for our entity bean.

import javax.ejb.EJBException;
import org.ejbutils.uid.UIDDispenser;
import org.ejbutils.uid.UIDDispenserException;

public class MyEntityBean implements EntityBean {


    /** @primaryKey */
    public String objectId;

    public String ejbCreate() throws CreateException, RemoteException {
        try {
            this.objectId = UIDDispenser.getDispenser().getNextId();
        } catch (UIDDispenserException e) {
            throw new EJBException(e.toString());
        return this.objectId;



You could also encapsulate this code in an abstract class the following way:


import javax.ejb.EJBException;
import org.ejbutils.uid.UIDDispenser;
import org.ejbutils.uid.UIDDispenserException;

public abstract class AbstractEntityBean {

    public String provideObjectID() throws EJBException{
        String anObjectID;
        try {
            anObjectID = UIDDispenser.getDispenser().getNextId();
        } catch (UIDDispenserException e) {
            throw new EJBException(e);
        return anObjectID;


public class MyEntityBean extends AbstractEntityBean implements EntityBean {


    /** @primaryKey */
    public String objectId;

    public String ejbCreate() throws CreateException, RemoteException {
        this.objectId = provideObjectID();
        return this.objectId;



Including the EJBUtils libraries to your deployement

One can deploy EJB modules on an EJB server in one of two ways: by deploying directly the EJB module (ejb-jar file) or by deploying through an Application Archive (ear file).

Adding the library to direct EJB module deployement

The EJB spec give two options to the EJB server vendors:

Exctract of the EJB 1.1 Spec, chapter 17.4:

[The EJB specification does not specify whether the ejb-jar file should include by copy or by reference the classes that are in the ejb-client JAR. If the by-copy approach is used, the producer simply includes all the class files in the ejb-client JAR file also in the ejb-jar file. If the by-reference approach is used, the ejb-jar file producer does not duplicate the content of the ejb-client JAR file in the ejb-jar file, but instead uses a Manifest Class-Path entry in the ejb-jar file to specify that the ejb-jar file depends on the ejb-client JAR at runtime.]

So you have to act depending on what your server supports:

Adding the library to Application Archive deployement

IMHO this is the cleanest way of deploying your EJBs. The only thing you need to do in this case is to include the ejbutils-client.jar in your ear file and add the following Class-Ref in your ejb-jar file's manifest file: (do not forget to add a carriage return after this line, otherwise there is a bug in the jvm that will prevent the line from being read.)
Note: you have to create your own ejbutils-client.jar file. See the sub-section Creating the ejbutils-client.jar file.

Class-Path: ejbutils-client.jar

Creating the ejbutils-client.jar file

A truly universal OUID needs a unique identifier identifying uniquely your company. The singleton gets this unique identifier through a resource file called UIDDispenser.properties

To create the ejbutils-client.jar file with the UIDDispenser.properties containing your unique identified, simple run

ant jars

and your ejbutils-client.jar file will be either in the build/lib directory (source distribution) or the lib directory (binary distribution).

For more information on the role of the unique identifier, read the article and search for "unique identifier".

Helping EJBUtils to support more EJB servers and Feedback

If you want to contribute to EJBUtils or stay current with the latest development, join the EJBUtils Development Mail List (http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/ejbutils-devs).

To provide feedback on this software, please subscribe to the EJBUtils User Mail List (http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/ejbutils-user).

Archives of both lists can be found on the subscription web pages mentioned above.

If you want to submit a bug, place a support request or a feature request, go to http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=13840.

Copyright © 2000-2001 E.H.S. Technologies (Europe) Ltd. All rights Reserved.